Treating Sleep Apnea


If you have been diagnosed with snoring or sleep apnea and are suffering from the symptoms, our team can help.

Dr. Kent’s team will work closely with you to develop a customized care plan that best meets your needs.

Do I have to wear CPAP?

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common sleep apnea treatment. A mask is connected to an air pressure machine that keeps the throat from closing overnight. CPAP is a very effective treatment option for OSA if you can comfortably wear it, but only about 50% of patients that try CPAP can eventually use it comfortably and sleep with it every night. Dr. Kent and his team can often help fix problems that make it hard for you to wear CPAP, but if it doesn’t work for you, you have many other medical and surgical treatment options.


Medical Treatments

  • Lifestyle changes

  • Positional therapy

  • Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

  • Oral Appliance Therapy


Surgical Treatments

  • In-office Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatments

  • Nasal Airway Surgery

  • Upper Airway Reconstructive Surgery
    (Soft Tissue Surgery)

  • Inspire Therapy

  • Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery
